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Spring 2021 JWST Course Offering: Germans, Jews and Antisemitism with Adi Nester. See our full list of JWST courses.

GERM 56: Germans, Jews, Antisemitism. First-year Seminar. This course seeks to explore the historically difficult position of minorities in the modern world, using the situation of Jews in Germany from the 18th century to the Holocaust as a case study. Students in this seminar will learn to analyze a variety of texts (both literary and philosophical), musical works, and films in relation to the history of Jews in German-speaking countries, and will be able to apply their knowledge to their analysis of present-day manifestations of anti-semitism and xenophobia in Germany. The course has no requisites and presumes no prior knowledge of the subject matter.
Adi Nester, Monday and Wednesday, 3:35-4:50 pm.

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