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On Wednesday March 24, UNC Jewish studies graduate students had the chance to virtually meet and have a conversation with Dr. Noam Pianko, the current president of the Association for Jewish Studies and the Samuel N. Stroum Chair of Jewish Studies at the University of Washington. Dr. Pianko also directs the Samuel and Althea Stroum Center for Jewish Studies and serves as the Herbert and Lucy Pruzan Professor of Jewish Studies at UW. He was invited to talk to the students about what the job market for Jewish Studies scholars currently looks like and what graduate students can do to better prepare themselves for academic and non-academic jobs. At the meeting, students asked questions on how to diversify their portfolio, how to prepare syllabi for teaching applications, and where to find alt-ac opportunities on university campuses. Dr. Pianko was very gracious in answering everybody’s questions and we would like to thank him very much for his time and for being so open and honest about Jewish Studies job perspectives!


More info for UNC graduate students.

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