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Jewish language instruction grants (award amounts: $200-750)
Deadline: October 11, 2021 at 5:00pm
Graduate students taking Jewish language courses/workshops outside of Carolina are encouraged to apply for a stipend to offset costs.  Funding is limited and preference will go to students that are active in the Center’s Graduate Student Network and languages not offered at Carolina. Grad students must be working in a subfield Jewish studies at Carolina to be eligible. This is for online or in-person courses. Maximum award amount is $750.
Fall 2021: The Center is currently accepting requests for support for Jewish language course fees. Current Carolina grad students that are enrolling in a language course outside of Carolina during the fall 2021 semester are encouraged to request support. To apply, send a one-page letter that includes a summary of the course, your area of research and how this language skill will impact your research, a short bio or CV that includes your home department and academic advisers, and a brief budget that shows fees for the course and also lists any other support you have received/requested specifically for this course. Send this letter to no later than October 11, 2021. The Center will offer another grant cycle in spring 2022.
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