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I received the Spies Family Summer Stipend for summer 2022 from the Carolina Center for Jewish Studies. The Spies Family Stipend allows me to finally begin archival work on my dissertation, “A Matter of Life and Death: Jewish Women Who Chose Abortion during the Holocaust.” I will spend much of this summer in Warsaw, Poland doing research at the Jewish Historical Institute, the Polish National Library, the Archiwum Akt Nowych, and the University of Warsaw. Additionally, I received a generous Jewish language grant from the Center and the College that will allow me to begin learning modern Hebrew. This is a crucial step for my dissertation research because it will allow me to read rabbinical responsa concerning birth control and abortion, an important aspect of everyday life for Jewish women during the Holocaust.


Morales is based in the department of history with faculty advisor Karen Auerbach. Her work is also supported by the European Holocaust Research Initiative’s Conny Kristel Fellowship, and the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Dissertation Research Grant in Women and Gender Studies.

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