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There’s still time to enroll in Carolina’s one-credit course that explores antisemitism past and present. The course welcomes a new speaker and topic each week and drew high praise from students when it was first offered last year.

JWST 390: Topics in Jewish Studies: Confronting Antisemitism This course takes a broad look at antisemitism in history, our contemporary world, and at UNC. Class sessions will feature guest speakers and discussions on different aspects of this persistent form of hatred. The following questions are key to this course: How has antisemitism evolved over time? How has it remained the same? What are the intersections between antisemitism and other forms of racism? What tools can be used to fight antisemitism?

Learn more about the course.

A&S magazine article

Daily Tar Heel article


More than 20 Jewish Studies courses are offered in spring 2021 including: Confronting Antisemitism, Israeli Cinema, Ancient Synagogues, From the Bible to Broadway: Jewish History to Modern Times, Ancient Biblical Interpretation, Popular and Pious: Early Modern Jewish Literature, Traditions in Transition: Jewish Folklore and Ethnography, plus numerous classical Hebrew and modern Hebrew language classes.

View all the JWST Spring 2021 course offerings.

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