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Alumni career roundtable with grad student network, March 2023.

Our alumni have traveled the world and pursued diverse educational and career opportunities. Our undergraduates with minors and majors have gone on to earn master’s degrees, M.D.’s and Ph.D’s. Some have started their own companies, while others are leaders in social service organizations. Our graduate students have gone on to faculty/post-doc/adjunct positions with leading institutions such as UC Berkeley, Stanford, University of Washington, University of Missouri and Virginia Tech, to name just a few. Whatever path they’ve chosen, they are using their Jewish Studies experiences at Carolina in unique and important ways.

Alumni, please let us know what you’re doing and how the Center has made lasting impact on your careers and lives. Alumni can also stay connected to the Center via our social media outlets [links below] and our new alumni network list serv [sign up below].



Join Alumni Network

A group of UNC Chapel Hill alumni who studied in Jewish Studies and/or participated in the programs offered by the Carolina Center for Jewish Studies.

  • Undergraduate alums, please let us know your major/minor. Graduate student alums, please let us know your home department and research focus.
  • Let us know your educational and career path since leaving Carolina and how your experiences with the Center/Jewish Studies have made an impact on your career and life.

Social media links: