Academic Programs
The University offers undergraduate degree program in Jewish Studies through the Department of Religious Studies, where students earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies with a Concentration in Jewish Studies.
Two academic minors – Jewish Studies and Modern Hebrew – continually attract a diverse group of Carolina students, and approximately 1,000 Carolina students enroll in Jewish Studies courses each year. The number of Jewish Studies courses on the books at Carolina has grown to more than 110, with about 30 offered each year.
The Jewish Studies program offers courses in departments across the humanities and social sciences.
In the current academic year, more than 25 faculty members will teach and conduct research in Jewish Studies at Carolina. Our affiliated faculty members are based in 11 different academic departments.
Study Abroad
Students have the opportunity to pursue Jewish Studies through study abroad programs in Israel and several other countries. Students may also participate in archaeological excavations in Israel.
Important Resources
UNC Hillel – UNC Hillel is a community of undergraduate and graduate students that seek to celebrate Jewish life and learning at UNC Chapel Hill. From social events to holidays to Jewish learning and Israel students explore Judaism from a myriad of perspectives. The Hillel building, located half a block from the Carolina Inn on Cameron Ave., welcomes students to events as well as providing space to study, snack, relax and hang out.