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Tau Epsilon Phi Graduate Student Fellowship in Jewish Studies

Thanks to generous private support, the Carolina Center for Jewish Studies offers a Tau Epsilon Phi Graduate Student Fellowship for graduate student recruitment. The fellowship includes a $25,000 stipend with benefits for the first year as well as for the fifth year of study, to aid as a recruitment tool for prospective graduate students pursuing doctoral degrees. As such, the fellowships will have eight-year cycles, with the first four years focused on recruiting new students to Carolina, followed by four years of supporting these students in their fifth years of study.


We are currently recruiting our second cohort of students: Cohort B:

Rachel Greiner, Department of American Studies


Our first cohort of students: Cohort A:

Tine Rassalle, Department of Religious Studies. Graduated December 2021.

Joseph Block, Department of History.

Jocelyn Burney, Department of Religious Studies. Graduated May 2023.

Oskar Czendze, Department of History.


Cohort A:


Shown in photo: Jocelyn, Joe, Tine and Oskar with alumnus and former advisory board member Steve Nislick. March 2023.



In spring 2023, the Center is accepted nominations to recruit a new TEP Fellow. Rachel Greiner, Department of American Studies was selected and is the first Fellow in Cohort B.The next three academic years will be recruiting years to build out Cohort B.



During a recruitment year, departments may nominate prospective graduate students who have a strong academic and/or research interest related to the field of Jewish Studies. Nominations should consist of a single PDF including: a statement of support from the DGS for the student, including why the student’s academic history or research interest appeals to your department and why you want the student in your graduate program. Applications  are due January 22, 2024.

Check back in December 2023 for recruitment information and deadlines for the 2024-25 academic year.