Lunch Seminars/RSVP
Each semester, the Center hosts informal lunch seminars to discuss academic topics related to the field of Jewish Studies. The lunch seminars are for Carolina’s faculty and graduate students, and interested undergraduates. Reading materials may be sent in advance of the lunch seminar.
Lunch will be provided so reservations are required. RSVP is due two business days prior to the event. Please use the form below.
We provide a vegetarian menu with GF option.
Upcoming Lunch Seminars
Unless otherwise noted, the lunches will start at 12:30pm but please arrive/depart as your schedule allows.
Spring 2025
Wednesday, January 15, Pettigrew Hall: Rabbi Hoffman
Evolving Perspectives on Music During the Rabbinic Period
Wednesday, February 19, Pettigrew Hall: Jagoda Budzik, University of Wrocław:
Where is the ‘Goy’? The Diasporic Motif of the Non-Jewish Other in Contemporary Hebrew Literature
Monday, March 17, Dey Hall Toy Lounge: Ethan Katz, UC Berkeley.
Topic: Antisemitism.
Monday, March 24, Hyde Hall: Anna Hájková, University of Warwick (UK):
Topic: Gender Studies/Holocaust Studies
Note: meeting room was changed to Hyde Hall.
RSVP - Lunch Seminars
Past Seminars:
Fall 2024
Monday, September 16, 12:15pm: Molly Zahn: The Divine Voice in the Temple Scroll: Space, Time, and Presence.
Monday, October 21, UNC Stone Center: Book Launch/ Author Celebration featuring five affiliated faculty members
Monday, October 28, UNC Stone Center: Derek Penslar: What is a University For? Education, Activism, and Israel/Palestine
Tuesday, November 12, Pettigrew Hall: Carol Newsom. Topic: Dead Sea Scrolls
Spring 2024 Semester:
Jan 30: Roni Cohen: Bach and Yiddish
Feb 15: Giacomo Loi: Jewish Archaeology, Nationalism, and Hebrew Literature: A Case Study – Pettigrew Hall, Suite 100.
Fall 2023
Sept 13: Hindy Najman. RESCHEDULED Sept 13, 11:00am, Pettigrew Hall
The Vitality of Scripture Within and Beyond the “Canon”
Co-sponsored by: Duke Graduate Program of Religion, Hebrew Bible / Old Testament track
Sept 29: Ishay Rosen-Zvi. Sept 29, 12:30pm, Pettigrew Hall
Midrash and/as Allegory: the case of “Ella”
Oct 25: Jackie Feldman. Oct 25, 12:30pm, NOTE: Location changed to Carolina Union, room GSU 3205.
Holocaust Memory in the 21st Century
Nov 30: Faculty/Grad Student Lightning Talks. Nov 30, 12:30pm, Dey Hall Toy Lounge (Fourth Floor)
UNC Speakers: Adam Cohn (ROMS), Jennifer Grayson (HIST), Jillian Hinderliter (WGST) and Rachel Greiner, TEP Fellow (AMST)
Spring 2020
January 14, 12:30pm: Speaker: job candidate for GSLL faculty recruitment.
January 22, 12:15pm: Yaron Shemer, Department of Asian Studies: “Witnessing, Steadfastness, and Agency: The National Cartoon Figures of the Israeli Srulik and the Palestinian Handhala.”
January 28, 12:30pm: Speaker: job candidate for GSLL faculty recruitment.
February 4, 12:30pm: Speaker: job candidate for GSLL faculty recruitment.
February 5, 12:15pm: Paul Jaskot, Duke University: “An Integrated History of Perpetrators and Victims in Nazi Occupied Krakow: Analog and Digital Approaches”
February 13, 12:30pm: Grace Overbeke, Duke University, Perilman Post Doc: Women of Jewish Comedy Note: This lunch will be held in Greenlaw, Donovan Lounge. Bio
February 26, 12:30pm: Michael Legaspi, Penn State University: On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Historical Criticism for Life
March 4, 12:15pm: Jodi Magness, Department of Religious Studies: Book Launch for Masada: From Jewish Revolt to Modern Myth
Rescheduled April 30, 1:00pm: David Lambert, Department of Religious Studies: Now rescheduled as a Zoom seminar. RSVP using the form below so we can send you the paper and the Zoom information.
The April 2020 lunch seminar with Galeet Dardashti is cancelled and will be rescheduled for 2020-2021.
Fall 2019
August 27, 12:30-1:30 pm: Jacqueline Vayntrub of Yale University: “Tamar and her Botanical Image.”
November 12, 12:30pm: Martin Sueldo, Department of Romance Studies: “Representing Judaism in Graphic Novels: The Argentine Case in the 21st Century.”
Spring 2019
March, 6th, 12:20-1:30 pm: Kerstin von der Krone, research fellow at the German Historical Institute Washington DC, In Pursuit of Knowing: Nineteenth-Century Jewish Education and the Transformation of Jewish Knowledge.
January 22nd, 12:30-2:00 pm
Lunchtime seminar with David Biale, UC Davis. Organized by the Center’s Graduate Student Network.
Fall 2018
October 3rd, 12:20-1:20 pm
Lunchtime seminar with Jane S. Gabin on her new book The Paris Photo: Jews in the French Capital during the Nazi Occupation.
October 10, 12:20-1:20 pm
Lunchtime seminar with Jörg Robert: A Father of a New Time: Reuchlin, the Jews, and the Reformation. Jörg Robert is professor of early modern German literature at the University of Tübingen.