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The Center is pleased to co-sponsor this event hosted by UNC Hillel.

Prospects for Peace: The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

Tuesday, September 13th, 7:30pm – 8:45pm

FedEx Global Education Center


Dennis Ross and Ghaith al-Omari: Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

Join UNC Hillel on September 13th for Prospects for Peace: The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process With Dennis Ross & Ghaith al-Omari. Hear senior fellows from the Washington Institute speak about their experiences negotiating peace between Israelis and Palestinians.


Co-sponsored by: Office of the Vice Provost for Global Affairs: Diplomatic Discussions, Carolina Center for Jewish Studies, Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies, Peace, War and Defense (PWAD), The Curriculum in Global Studies.


Additional information on the UNC Hillel website. Please direct all event questions to UNC Hillel.

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