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Graduate Student 3D Model

January 8, 2017

Brad Erickson, a graduate student in the department of Religious Studies, spent last summer creating three-dimensional models of several ancient synagogues in Israel. The project includes a 3D model of the synagogues and a high-detail image of each synagogue’s mosaic … Read more

From the Director’s Desk: A Stellar Review

September 8, 2016

The last academic year of the Carolina Center for Jewish Studies was filled with several major events and activities, but perhaps most notable for the Center was our first external review. The review committee was on campus for two days … Read more

Excavations in Huqoq

July 9, 2016

Excavations this summer in the Late Roman (fifth century) synagogue at Huqoq, an ancient Jewish village in Israel’s Lower Galilee, have revealed stunning new mosaics that decorated the floor. The excavations are directed by Jodi Magness, a professor in the … Read more

May 2016 graduates

May 15, 2016

Two of our graduate students were hooded in May: Samuel Kessler and Annegret Oehme.   Annegret, who came from Germany in 2010 to enter the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies in order to study Old Yiddish, will soon start … Read more

Reconsidering Antisemitism

April 23, 2016

The Center’s First Major, International Academic Conference The April 2016 Reconsidering Antisemitism: Past and Present conference gathered a group of 19 leading experts—which included scholars, journalists and a politician—in Chapel Hill for three days of intensive discussion. Several hundred students, … Read more