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Heilig Lecture: The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt

March 24 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

March 24, 2025, 5:30pm, UNC Stone Center
CLE Credit available to UNC undergraduates.


Morris, Ida and Alan Heilig Lecture in Jewish Studies

Annual Holocaust Studies Lecture


The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt

with Anna Hájková, University of Warwick (UK)


Terezín, as it was known in Czech, or Theresienstadt, as it was known in German, was operated by the Nazis between November 1941 and May 1945 as a transit ghetto for Central and Western European Jews before their deportation for murder in the East. Today, Theresienstadt is best known for the Nazi propaganda of the International Red Cross visit, cultural life, and children. But these aspects explain little what defined the lives of its 140,000 inmates. The Last Ghetto offers both a modern history of this Central European ghetto and the first in-depth analytical history of a prison society during the Holocaust.


Co-sponsored by the Department of Religious Studies and the Department of History


Dr. Anna Hájková is Reader for modern European continental history at the University of Warwick where she co-directs the Centre for Global Jewish Studies. Her book, The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt, came out in 2020 with Oxford University Press to popular and academic acclaim. She is a pioneer of queer Holocaust history and her work has been awarded the 2020 Orfeo Iris Prize.




March 24
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
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