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Sephardic Studies: Young American Jews: Today’s Conversos?

Sephardic Studies Lecture with David Graizbord, University of Arizona. The annual Lecture on Sephardic Studies is planned as an in-person event in Dey Hall, fourth floor Toy Lounge.   Young American Jews: Today’s Conversos? This talk will compare and contrast … Read more


Too Long, Too Foreign. . . Too Jewish

Sylvia and Irving Margolis Lecture on the Jewish Experience This is currently planned as a hybrid event. No registration is required to attend in-person at the UNC Stone Center. To join via Zoom, registration is required in order to receive … Read more


Southeast German Studies Consortium

The Center is pleased to co-sponosor the keynote address for the Southeast German Studies Consortium. The keynote lecture of the 2022 Southeast German Studies Workshop (SEGSW) will be delivered at Appalachian State on Thursday, March 24, by Prof. Shmuel Feiner (Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan). Prof. … Read more

Discussions/Film Screenings: Avner Faingulernt

We are pleased to co-sponsor film screenings and discussions with filmmaker Avner Faingulernt. Events are in-person at UNC and Duke University. Free and open to the public, no registration required.   Schedule of events at Carolina:   Tuesday, March 29, … Read more

McLester Colloquium: The Objects that Remain

The Center is pleased to co-sponsor the 2022 McLester Colloquium, hosted by the Department of Religious Studies. This is a hybrid event, free and open to the public, no registration is required to attend in-person on via Zoom.   The … Read more


Class Visit/Community Seminar: Holding the Past

graham memorial

Holding the Past A visit with Professor Berlinger's class: Traditions in Transition: Jewish Folklore and Ethnography Graham Memorial, Kresge Common Room   Professor Levitt will deliver the McLester Colloquium on March 30, while this classroom visit will take a deeper … Read more


Ambivalent Appropriation: Apollo in Jewish Texts and Material Culture

unc stone center

The Center's Graduate Student Network is hosting Olivia Stewart Lester for an evening community lecture. This event, supported by the Uhlman Family Seminar, is currently planned as in-person only. 5:30pm, UNC Stone Center, Auditorium   “Ambivalent Appropriation: Apollo in Jewish … Read more
